
Hansel and gretel

Well, the witch never does get a chance to eat Hansel, so I don't see any problem with it.
11 years

Hansel and gretel

TheCannibal wrote:
I think we should have a new tradition of throwing our feeders into ovens.

Just the cannibalistic ones I hope!
11 years

Hansel and gretel

Hansel and Gretel is one of my favorite fairy tales and a theme I love in fat fantasies. I don't focus on the point where the witch either does or does not eat the siblings, or what happens to the witch afterwards. I focus on the most drawn out, detailed description of the time when either the boy or girl or both are fattened up, first willingly, while they think the witch is kind, then unwillingly once they're caged and know what she plans to do. It's about the tension as the feedee is given food, coaxed into eating, fed, and worries about getting fat enough to be eaten in turn. It's about the growth of the feedee's body, and their reaction to getting fatter, and the feeder/captor/witch's reaction to the fact that their prisoner is getting fatter. Does the witch know? Does the witch get tricked into thinking that the fattening isn't working for a long time? How do the witch and Hansel and Gretel interact during this time? Is there witty banter? Is the witch cruel with teasing? Or is she subtle in her menace? Does she fake being sweet? These are the things that appeal to me. The worst part of the story is when the tension is resolved at the end and I don't much care for vore, soft or otherwise.
11 years